Sunderland Conservative councillor busted over 20mph “rank hypocrisy”
A Sunderland Conservative councillor has been revealed to be promoting Tory campaigns against 20 miles per hour speed limits in Wales whilst supporting them in Sunderland
A Sunderland Conservative councillor has been revealed to be promoting Tory campaigns against 20 miles per hour speed limits in Wales whilst supporting them in Sunderland
Success for Lib Dem campaign to bring a supermarket back to the city centre
Metro ticket price hikes of up to 9% should be delayed until people can rely on the service again.
Council must inform and involve families every step of the way as new property to replace short breaks at Grace House announced, say Lib Dems
Lib Dems are urging Sunderland Council bosses to save ‘Free After 3’ parking instead of axing it in the new year.
Liberal Democrat councillor for Millfield, Thornhill and the city centre Niall Hodson celebrates the news Tesco wants to open a new Express store just outside The Bridges.