“Totally reckless” Sunderland Council bin collections change slammed
Responding by a decision taken today (9th June) by Sunderland Council bosses to change bin collection arrangements so that bags of rubbish left next to wheelie bins won't be collected, Lib Dem councillor for Millfield and Thornhill Julia Potts said:

"This decision to stop collecting bags of rubbish left next to wheelie bins is totally reckless.
"Our back lanes are already overflowing with litter and fly-tipping since Sunderland Council axed vital street cleaning staff a few years ago. It doesn't take a genius to work out that not collecting extra bags of rubbish on bin day is going to lead to even bigger problems and a tsunami of rubbish being left to rot in back lanes which is not only unsightly but also poses a public health risk.
"Council bosses urgently need to commit to introducing more street cleaning staff and offering bigger wheelie bins for large households if they don't want this change to be a total disaster."