People of Sunderland deserve better than a lame duck Sunderland Labour leader
Responding to the change in leadership of the Labour Group at Sunderland City Council, Lib Dem councillor and Leader of the Opposition Paul Edgeworth said:
"This is an absolute farce. The people of Sunderland deserve better.
"Sunderland Labour are in total and utter disarray, not being trusted by authoritarian bosses in their London and Newcastle party headquarters to choose their own leadership democratically. The Labour politburo has imposed on Sunderland residents a lame duck leader who doesn't have the support of his own councillors.
"As usual, Labour are spending time on infighting and factionalism instead of doing the right thing by the people of Sunderland who are crying out for a Council that will get the basics right, improve local services, sort out the state of the city centre and limit Council Tax rises for hard-pressed local people."