New Sunderland station an ‘uninviting let-down’ say Lib Dems
Commenting on the operational opening of the new southern entrance to Sunderland Railway Station today (8 December) Leader of the opposition Lib Dems on Sunderland Council Paul Edgeworth said:
“Leaving aside the fact that we shouldn’t have had to wait decades for a railway station with basic facilities like a toilet, whilst the new building looks better from the outside than the old station building today’s unveiling is a frankly a bit of a let-down.
“The inside space looks cold, sparse, austere and uninviting. Council and rail bosses urgently need to reassure the public about what the plans are to fill the space and make it into a decent, welcoming space with proper facilities you’d expect at a railway station.
“At the moment we have a huge, empty glass box with a couple of seats in, leaving people wondering what all the fuss is about.
“In the longer term, we desperately need a plan to seriously revamp the platform levels at the station which remain dark, damp and depressing. Lib Dems think any refurbishment must include plans to let some natural light back onto the platforms which would go a long way to solving the current dank and claustrophobic feel of the station.”