Ending “rats nightmare” for Sunderland residents better late than never: Lib Dems
Commenting on Sunderland Council's decision to axe charges for vermin control services for 12 months, Liberal Democrat councillor for the East End, Hendon and Grangetown Ciaran Morrissey said:

"Residents in the East End, Hendon and across the city have had to put up with a rat epidemic for years now in our parks, back lanes, gardens and even in people's homes.
"Sunderland Council's Labour bosses buried their head in the sand claiming there was no rat problem in Sunderland - and voted against Lib Dem plans to restore free pest control as far back as 2018.
"This u-turn is better late than never. It is just a shame that so many people have had to endure the terror of rat infestations in their communities because Council chiefs were too pig-headed to admit there was a problem in the first place.
"Free pest control services for domestic properties must now be made permanent, and a proper, long-term solution put in place to end the rats nightmare that some residents have had to put up with for years."