Councillor welcomes approval of freedom of city plan for Wearside footballing legends
Commenting on the decision by Sunderland City Council's ruling Cabinet today (13th October) to formally nominate Wearside footballing legends Jill Scott, Steph Houghton and Gary Bennett to receive freedom of the city, Lib Dem councillor Julia Potts who put forward the suggestion in early September said:

"I am over the moon that the Cabinet has given backing to this plan to award freedom of the City of Sunderland to Jill Scott, Steph Houghton and Gary Bennett. They have represented our city and our country impeccably and are truly deserving of this honour.
"I am sure that councillors from all parties will now give the nomination their seal of approval when it is debated and voted upon at the meeting of all 75 city councillors in November."